SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

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SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by N3bulouz »

Collection includes the following maps made by N3bulouz:

breakfloor_n3b_aztec - Aztec-themed breakfloor map.
breakfloor_n3b_castle - Conquer the beautiful castle! No teamkilling possible!
breakfloor_n3b_clean - A future-rework of the classic breakfloor map! No teamkilling possible!
breakfloor_n3b_factory - A rework of the classic breakfloor map.
breakfloor_n3b_underwater - A revolutionized breakfloor map! Epic future textures and tight looking designs. Includes AFK killer and no teamkilling possible!
breakfloor_pwnzerville - Small village-themed breakfloor map.
breakmap_n3b_cozy_optimized2 - Small village-themed breakmap with unique 'around-the-map'-feature.

Download link:

PS: Screenshots will come later due to lack of time!
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by henk »

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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by Doggie52 »

Neb! Wonderful! I will test this as soon as I have time. This weekend I will be off for my summerhouse, but when I get back I will do my best to get these tested. In the meantime, can other players also test these and give a little feedback for each map?
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by Doggie52 »

OK, here's my run-down of the maps. I did this really quickly, so please let me know if I've missed something or just simply gotten something wrong!
  • aztec - 1. the point of the map is unclear (i.e. what you're supposed to do and where you're supposed to go). 2. there are some serious console errors in the start that are associated with the weird jumping which I don't understand either.
  • castle - 1. I can't anything to work and I can't understand what's going on.
  • clean - 1. the map feels a bit too dark in my opinion. 2. what about the bottom of the blocks? can you break that? I couldn't.
  • factory - 1. the map is a bit dark. 2. the map is a bit simple and small. 3. I like the bottom, though - that prevents TK!
  • underwater - 1. a cool map, I like the idea! 2. a bit too dark, perhaps?
  • pwnzerville - 1. weird lighting and a bit too dark
  • cozy_optimized - 1. the map feels a bit too small
Common to all maps:
  • The blocks are way too easy to break. They should be as breakable as the original breakfloor blocks, otherwise we're going to get hell with TKers. I'd say this needs to be fixed before I can put the maps on the server.
  • Most maps have a weird bug at the bottom, between the two spawns. Try tapping the crouch key to see what I mean.

I like the maps, these are just a few suggestions to make them better. Again, if I've missed something please let me know.
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by N3bulouz »

In general, thanks for the testings, and I'll try to fix the lighting in the maps. I won't change the textures though.
  • aztec: The errors appear because you spawn above a trigger_push area (This lets AFK/Campers float on that spawning area, so that gun accuracy is decreased dramatically)
  • castle: Not sure what you mean with that. You just run up and play a regular breakfloor game.
  • clean: Not sure what is going on with that, it worked perfectly in my tests (I even have prove on my Youtube-account: N3bulouz)
  • factory: Yes, I know the map is a bit small (I made this map in my early stages, which means I used 48x48x48 blocks instead of 64x64x56). It would be better if you don't add this map to the mapcycle since it has a bit too much flaws.
  • underwater: Thanks! It's my newest map so kind of self-explainatory it is the best :P
  • pwnzerville: Same as factory, I made this a long time ago, with wrong sizes and stuff. It's your decision wether to put this on, I was just curious for your comments. :)
  • cozy_optimized: Same as factory and pwnzerville.
As for aztec, castle, clean and underwater: It was definately my purpose to have these voted into the mapcycle, I'll make some changes to optimize them and re-upload em.
However, I do not understand why you think these blocks are easy to break, I made them identical to the classic breakfloor blocks but with different textures. The bug in the middle (between the spawns) has only occured in factory as far as I know.
Again thanks for the comments.
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by Doggie52 »

How is this going? I am greatly looking forward to play the fixed versions. And about castle, could you be a bit more precise? There is this large cannon in the middle of the map, is that supposed to do something?
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by N3bulouz »

I hereby present you my fixed versions of the maps:
  • breakfloor_n3b_aztec
  • breakfloor_n3b_castle
  • breakfloor_n3b_clean
  • breakfloor_n3b_underwater
+ Fixed lighting
+ Fixed brushes
+ Fixed texturebugs
+ Fixed 'crouch-bug'
+ Toughened fightground (the floor is very hard to destroy)
+ Team indications on breakfloor_n3b_underwater
- No reliable snapshot error
- Removed several (annoying) trigger_push entities

AFK Destabilizor - AFK players their accuracy is dramatically dropped, and they move slowly.
Pusher - Disallows you to return to the spawning point.
Hard Floor - Disallows you to break the floor which prevents teamkilling.
Lift - Takes the terrorist side up to the playground.
Pusher - Disallows you to return to the spawning point.
Hard Floor - Disallows you to break the floor which prevents teamkilling.
Cannon - When you pull the rope at the CT-side, the cannon will shoot. However this will not affect the game.
Pusher - Disallows you to return to the spawning point.
Hard Floor - Disallows you to break the floor which prevents teamkilling.
AFK Slapper - Slaps the AFK people 5 health a second, preventing someone to waste the players their precious time.
Hard Floor - Disallows you to break the floor which prevents teamkilling.

Any other features should be the same as the original breakfloor_classic map, however this cannot be guaranteed.
Thank you for showing interest in my maps, I hope you will like them!
If you can't open the attachment, click here to use the other download source.

Any questions can be asked to N3bulouz, the maps belong to the respective owner, and may be edited for your personal use.
N3bulouz's Fixed Breakfloor Pack -
N3bulouz's Fixed Breakfloor Pack - 2012
(2.83 MiB) Downloaded 1178 times
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by Doggie52 »

Hey Neb -- thanks for the good fixing! I don't want to alter your creations in any way and you shouldn't feel forced to change them either. But here are a few things that come to my mind as I am playing your maps:
  • Why destabilize the aim of AFK players? They aren't going to aim anyway?
  • Why make AFK players move more slowly? They aren't going to move anyway?
  • The blocks in your maps are really easy to break, a bit like the blocks in breakfloor2k5. This encourages trenching!
  • castle - I don't think it should be possible to crouch and get outside (and under) the map, right?
  • underwater - this map is a great idea, but the button makes it difficult for new players to grasp the point of the map, I think. Also, it favors the team that are spawning closer to the button, as they can get to the buy-zone quicker. Wouldn't it be easier if the pool opened itself?
Overall, I think the idea with somehow hindering AFK players is bad for several reasons. Firstly, of course, they will neither need to move nor aim as they are AFK. Secondly, this only annoys real players who will wonder WTF is going on.
I also think it is a bad idea to spawn players outside of the buyzone. If you think about it, very very very few maps do this, for several reasons! Firstly, if you have to move to get to the buyzone, new and inexperienced players will get there later AND buy their equipment slower whilst the experienced opponents quickly rush and get the kills (also since the blocks are so easy to break and the maps are so small, it is to easy to rush). Secondly, it means I have to disable the freeze-time in the beginning of the round which is non-standard and kind of kills the idea of a round.

Again, I do not want to force you to do these changes. This kind of thinking is what I go through with every map (not only yours' but all the other maps too) I test, and these criteria are things a map must pass to be placed on the server. At this point, I am only really willing to test underwater on the server, despite the fact that I don't think it will fit.

I hope you understand my line of thought. Trust me, if I didn't see a great potential in your maps, I wouldn't take the time to write this wall of text ;) .
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Re: SUBMITS: N3bulouz's Breakfloor Collection! - 2011

Post by N3bulouz »

Oh it's quite a mistake to write it like that, about the AFK affection. It is basically meant for players that stand in the spawn area, with the guns they've bought the previous round. They wouldn't be able to just stand there and make kills in that way.

I partially agree about the buyzone 'dilemma'. This will encourage the pwnage of pro's and loss of the newbs, however this is only a tiny little quantity. These maps are made so simple, so that everyone can learn to understand them within a few rounds (let's say about 4). So yea, the difference between the times the players arrive will only be very minimal.
One of the reasons I put this in my newest and most optimized maps, is because AFK players could not be shot down. This is quite contradictory because you are not, or almost not able to teamkill them. The second reason is, because I wanted to create a different kind of mood for these sort of maps.
It may be a thing to change in my future maps, but not for these maps, that would take too much work.

In most cases of breakfloor, it is quite hard for the new ones to understand what to do. However I think my maps are made quite simple, especially because they have been derived from breakfloor_classic.
And once again just like in breakfloor_classic the blocks have the following settings: 5 damage / Mat.Type: Stone.Medium. So the damage that needs to be dealt is excactly the same. In my opinion these settings work fine, and most people are used to these.

And yes, the doors in underwater are not quite useful, I will think about a solution or even a removal (in a version2).

However, I am glad you are willing to put at least one of my maps online.
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