Hey guys! Another map of mine!
Did this one in less than 4 hrs. (record)
My question to doggie: Can you take a look at my maps, and decide which map will suit and which not?
(You can say what's wrong with them, so I can improve them)
Thanks in advance
4 hours sounds VERY fast for me! =O I think I would need more then 5 weeks!
But yeah, I like the map! Looks amazing =D
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain =)
People who inspire me: | Maggie Simpson - for being unique ( =D ) | Homer Simpson - for having so much fun in life | Scrat (Squirrel from Ice Age) - for his endurance
You have the middle wall, and it seems like you can crouch under it, and go to the other side, but it's a deadzone.
I can fix it, but the deadzone was my first idea about the map.
I like the idea of the map, except for a number of things. All walls seem too small, they make you feel like you're quite big and to be honest I prefer a slightly larger map. The bricks are nice but could use another material (say, earth or something) that makes the breaking a bit more realistic. At the moment there isn't anything else in particular that I can comment on, but if you improve the above I might be able to put it on the rotation for you!
Doggie, I've made the walls higher, but I don't like the way it looks when the blocks have a dirt material. It's just so depressive. The grass-like material makes the map look like a peaceful town, if you know what I'm saying.